Meet Ghida C. Minkara

Finding Inspiration in Every Memory

Ghida Minkara is a Fragrance Entrepreneur, Creator and Artistic Director of GhidaPerfumes. She offers this first collection of fragrances based on rich olfactivememories and cultural heritage of growing up in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and herlife in America. Her first fragrance collection is an expression of her passionatelove for the art of olfaction and her treasured memories of Lebanon.Ghida has created a perfume line Inspired by a childhood obsession and life-longadoration of scent. Ghida expresses her deep understanding of the beauty ofnature, the power of perfume and the pure joy of smelling a flower…simple,innocent, honest and pure.

Ghida has a highly trained nose with many years of olfactive education andintense training. She studied at prestigious fragrance institutes around the world.Ghida has immersed herself into the perfumer’s palette of ingredients andpursued her olfactive training at esteemed Perfumery schools in Grasse andParis. Her studies began at the age of seventeen at Cinquieme Sens in Paris, atraining called “Initiation a la Technique de la Parfumerie at aux Langages desOdeurs”. She thereafter received in 2019 an esteemed “Designer Olfactif’certificate as the result of a one-year program at the same institute. In thesummers of 2017 and 2018, Ghida studied at the elite Grasse Institute ofPerfumery, where she studied the beauty of Lavander, Rose de Mai and otherextraordinary florals used in high end perfumery. Ghida has pursued a lifelongreverence and respect for rare and expensive fragrance ingredients througholfactive smelling sessions and competitive fragrance analysis which continuesto the present day.

Ghida is inspired by childhood memories of the fragrances worn by loved ones:Taif Rose worn by her father, Arabian Jasmine worn by her mother. She brings toher audience the beauty of experiencing a simple, beautiful flower and theemotional scent memories experienced through family travel throughout her life.She carries a passion for the exotic flowers growing up in Lebanon and SaudiArabia. This is enhanced by her 17 years of raising a family in the United States,her great love for the city of Paris and her endless fascination and journeys toglobal destinations.

Ghida has a curated, sensitive nose Inspired by flowers and fragrances sinceearly childhood which has led her to become a highly creative founder of her ownfragrance line. She shares a desire to pursue new and innovative olfactivecreations. She has worked with the finest perfumers in the industry, that offerunique fragrance blends that stand out and make a new statement to hercustomers. Ghida supports global initiatives at UNESCO for rebuilding ofLebanese cultural institutions and architecture. She believes in using onlymaterials and ingredients that are sustainable to the earth.

A true fragrance obsessive, Ghida’s favorite fragrances are the iconic scents of:Black Orchid Tom Ford, Armani Prive Cuir Amethyste, Jo Malone Blue Agave andCacao, Coco Chanel, Boucheron to name a few. Ghida has created a perfume linethat pays homage to the magnificence of the world of perfumery, the creativeartists behind it and extraordinary olfactive ingredients that have inspired Ghidathroughout her life.A passionate and adventurous world traveler with a unique talent for creating memorable fragrances that tell stories. Her first line, The Lebanon Collection, is inspired by provocative and extraordinary fragrance notes from the Lebanon. A perfume line inspired by a childhood and life-long adoration of scent. Ghida’s deep understanding of the beauty of nature, the power of perfume, and the pure joy of smelling a flower… simple, innocent, honest, and pure.

Delighted to share my passion with you.


Our Philosophy

Pushing the boundaries of olfactive art, we believe in fragrances that share stories with meaning. Our brand, Ghida Perfumes, represents memorable scents that are sustainably and responsibly sourced. We seek rare and complex signatures on the fragrances that will meet the olfactive preferences of the global consumer, yet offer a new, surprising twist and memorability.